Vintage Airplane Baby Shower
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of helping host a Vintage Airplane Baby Shower for my beautiful niece Alix. I am so excited for her and it was so much fun to put this shower together for her and her sweet baby boy!
Of course, I followed my own rules for Hosting a Shower on a Budget. I handed the food over to my sisters and I handled the decorations, favors and activities. Because there is so much I want to share, I’ll be splitting it up into two posts, so be sure to check back so you get to see ALL the details! First, we’ll focus on the decorations and food!
Vintage Airplane Party Decorations
I used my Silhouette cutting machine to cut out clouds and airplanes out of cardstock and pennants out of map scrapbooking paper. I then sewed them together to make garlands for the food table, favor table, gift station and to hang over the activity table. They were really inexpensive – maybe $5 for all 9 garlands and really added a lot to the decor.
I posted 4 ideas for clouds on my INSTAGRAM and had all of my followers vote for their favorite. This is the one that won (idea from THIS website)! I used poster board and cereal bowls to create the clouds and cut them out. In order to make the one that nested inside the larger one, I traced the large one and then free hand drew the smaller one following the same curves, but about an inch in from the outer edge. Once they were all cut out, I just taped them together. I punched a hole in it and used a Command hook to hang it on the wall.
The wooden airplanes are actually a set to be used as a mobile in a nursery. They were so perfect, lightweight and easy to hang! If you’re looking for something similar – this Wooden Airplane Craft Kit would easily work (and double as an activity!).
I started by creating the printables. I purchased the airplane clip art on etsy and then used it on each sign I needed throughout the party. They really helped carry the theme throughout the entire party, as you’ll see. I’m offering them as free printables in my next post for you just in case you’re throwing you’re own Airplane themed party!
On the tables I kept it bright and simple with a white table cloth and borrowing this tip from my brilliant friend Marci Coombs, I purchased a blue and white stripe roll of wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby (with my 40% off coupon it was only $3!) and ran that down the center of the food table, favor table and the activity station. It added just the perfect hint of color and made clean up a breeze!
I accented the party space with vintage suitcases. You can see one is being used to hold the paper goods, another for the cake stand and more for decor throughout the event. They helped carry the travel theme.
Vintage Airplane Baby Shower Food
The food, oh the food! It was amazing! My niece requested a Crepes Bar. My sister made crepes (the day before, which is a great party tip!), but if you aren’t up for it you can find them premade occasionally at Costco. We served three spreads: Nutella, Cookie Butter and Homemade Lemon Curd. Then we offered several fruit toppings: Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Bananas and Blueberries. Whipped Topping and Powdered Sugar topped it all off. Man alive, they were so delicious!
But then there was this AMAZING cake made by the talented Emmalee (follow her on Instagram!). It was a Lemon Blueberry cake with lemon curd between the layers. It looked beautiful, but it really was the best tasting cake I’ve ever eaten (I don’t throw that compliment out lightly people!). She’s now going to have to make all of my cakes in the future!