Back To School Gift
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Boy, am I ready to go out to lunch with my girlfriends! I LOVE the fun and flexibility of summer break, but it feels like I haven’t seen my girlfriends in FOREVER! Family reunions, vacations, camps, etc. keep everyone out of town and going from one activity to the next! I thought this back to school gift would be the perfect thing to give my them. I’m hoping they will drop their kids off at school that first day and draw a hot bath with the bath bomb. Then soak in it while sipping an ice cold Diet Coke and eating the chocolate. Sounds heavenly right about now, doesn’t it?
Back To School Gift
If you are up for making your own bath bombs, Handmade Weekly has a great video tutorial on her site. If a DIY is not your thing, you can purchase some great ones on Amazon that are yummy and affordable.
Just scroll down to get the free printable gift tag. This would pair perfectly with JUST a bath bomb, or JUST a soda. But really I think the trio in the picture is the perfect combination (along with the James Taylor station on Pandora).
Just click to open the document (it is 6 per page): Back-To-School Gift Tag –
Rules for use:
– My printables are for personal use only. They may not be modified, sold or used for profit in any way.
– If you feature them or repost them, please give Events to Celebrate proper credit with a link back to this post.

Cute Idea! it’s always fun to start off on the right foot with teachers every year:)