Back To School Teachers Gift {Free Printable}

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I have a few friends who are teachers and each year they’ve told me that they love Back To School night because it gives them a head start on meeting their new students and trying to learn a little bit about them. I thought it would be fun for those headed to school in the coming weeks to fill out this form and give it to their teacher with a fun little gift to help them get to know the student better. You could include a small wallet size photo along with it to help even more.

Back To School Form

 Click here for a PDF File you can print on your own computerBack To School Form

Then I threw together this cute little gift to go along with it. School supplies are super inexpensive right now, but teachers need all the help they can get – with tight budgets and lots of students these should help a little.


I made a cute pencil holder for the teachers desk. I started with an empty baby formula can and wrapped a small piece of lined paper around the top and then hot glued the crayons around the base. It took 15 minutes to make and the crayons were only $.25!



  1. Pingback: The ULTIMATE list of teacher gift ideas - Christinas Adventures
  2. Pingback: Shine on Friday Linky Party - One Tough Mother
  3. Pingback: Bloom Designs
  4. This is such a wonderful gift idea! I would love for you to link it up to my Back to School Traditions Link up.

  5. Pingback: The Weekly Creative Features: Homemade Gift Ideas - The Cards We Drew

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