Halloween Witches Tea

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Each October my good friend Meridee hosts a Witches Tea. It is an event I look forward to more than most. It involves incredible food, adorable decorations, great friends, getting a hat all decorated and I don’t have to do any of the planning (which is a rare treat). IMG_7604

We are all invited to dress up or at lease wear a decorated witches hat for the festivities and asked to bring an appetizer type dish to share. It is so much fun to see the creative hats, and even more fun to taste all the wonderful dips, dishes and desserts everyone brings. We all get to vote on our favorite hats in the categories of best overall, funniest & scariest and prizes are handed out.

Here are a few of the fun witches:

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Meridee decorates her home from top to bottom – just look at her piano display (this is maybe 10% of the decor)


The food is always a highlight. In addition to various teas, she also serves hot chocolate and makes the most incredible bacon and cheese dip. I literally save my calories all day and then when she brings it out I can’t help myself. I’ll be posting the recipe soon, it is amazing, but you’ll be shocked when you see what goes in it – just remember it is a holiday and you don’t eat that way all the time and then you won’t feel guilty indulging in it a little (or one pans worth).


A few of the witches enjoying the evening:


Me and my daughter Lucy having a ball!


So, get your girlfriends together or make it a neighborhood night for the ladies and get to know new people. Host your own Witches Tea party this year and you’ll be cackling at how much fun it is!!


  1. Pingback: Bacon Cream Cheese Bread Dip | events to CELEBRATE!

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