Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas


I signed up to be a co-chair of the Teacher Appreciation Week meals this year. I had so much fun planning a special week that would celebrate the amazing teachers at my daughters school. This post contains affiliate links. It was really great to work with other moms that were just as excited to make the week really great for our teachers. If you’re looking for teacher appreciation week ideas for each day, stick around. I’ve got you covered! I asked a few of my teacher friends for help knowing if the direction I wanted to go would be received well and then went to work. So ask “what to do for teacher appreciation week” no more! Follow this plan and your teachers will love it! I will also share the things I learned along the way so you can make it even more awesome! 

Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas for Each Day

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I used powerpoint to create this Teacher Appreciation Week schedule. Once it was saved it as a jpeg , I emailed it to all of the teachers. Since I don’t have photoshop, so this was what I had to work with. Advertising the weeks activities is REALLY important. That way the teachers can plan, but more importantly, they can get EXCITED! They will know that you put REAL effort into making it a special week!

Monday – We had a soda bar and sugar cookies.

Tuesday – We delivered a gift to each teacher that included a gift card to a local drink spot for a free soda, a gift card to a donut shop in town for a free donut and the big gift for that day was a spiral bound book that contained a paper filled out by each child in their class. We printed the forms and had them waiting at the front office and asked each room mom to go in and spend 20 minutes with the class (teacher was asked to step out) and have the kids fill them out. For the younger grades there was a space for them to draw a picture of their teacher with a few simple questions since the writing was more difficult at that age. The older grades had more space for writing and more questions to answer.

Wednesday – We hosted a Circus themed snack bar with lots of treats.

Thursday – We delivered a gift of classroom supplies including: Clorox wipes, an Expo marker and hand sanitizer.

Friday – We provided a picnic lunch.

EVERYDAY – We picked one teacher from each grade to be spotlighted over morning announcements. We selected one of the pages from their student books (the Tuesday gift) and read it over the intercom. That teacher received a small treat in their box that day. 

Because of the amount of content, I am going to break this up into a couple of posts because I’ve got lots to show you! 

Teacher Appreciation Week Soda Bar

This soda bar was REALLY well received! The teachers loved having the caffeine fix in the middle of the day and the fun syrups and purees we provided in order to really customize their drink. We provided lemonade for those non-soda drinkers. Then we had REAL DEAL Sodalicious (a Utah based soda shop) sugar cookies and that really elevated it! They are SO-delicious (see what I did there? Ha, ha!)! Their catering department was REALLY great to work with. 

I wanted the teachers to have a genuine soda shop experience so we purchased 24 ounce foam cups and lids from Orson Gygi.

We purchased 15 2-liter sodas for 60 people. They were in a shallow tupperware bin filled with ice to keep them cold. We provided 3 types of fruit puree to mix in – mango, pineapple and raspberry. They could pick from coconut, vanilla or cherry syrup. Wedges of limes and lemons were plenty and last of all we provided half and half for those that wanted it to be really decadent. 

The decorations were festive and cute! The mom that did them had them already and they really made it feel special! She used pom poms, a tissue paper garland and glitter tulle to dress the table.

The show stopper was the menu board! I had this vision of what I wanted and a mom on our committee volunteered to make it. Let me just say, she took my idea and went WAY beyond what I was expecting! She used her Silhouette machine to cut out the content in vinyl and used the reverse image to stencil it onto the black butcher paper with a fat tip chalk marker! It took her 15 hours, and you can see why it did. Isn’t it the most amazing thing?! I walked in and was floored! We came up with fun drink names and mix-in ideas just to give the teachers fun drink options. Bus Duty, Spring Break, Fire Drill, Monday Morning and more. 

We had a lot of fun providing this Teacher Appreciation Week soda bar. It was easy to plan, easy to set-up and the teachers all loved it! Check out the other Teacher Appreciation Week ideas here for the full week of photos and info! One thing I learned about the soda bar – put out a sign that says “please only take 1 cookie”. 

Teacher appreciation soda bar

One Comment

  1. Good afternoon,
    I would love to use your Teacher Appreciation Week calendar. Would it be possible to send an editable copy to my email address? I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you,
    Ms. Wright
    Elementary School Counselor
    The Charles A. Gill Elementary

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