Mind-blowing Bake Sale Items

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Whether its for your child’s school or to go with the lemonade stand in your front yard give one of these mind-blowing bake sale items a try.

Texas Governor’s Mansion Cowboy Cookies

If it’s good enough for the Governor of Texas then it’ll be GREAT for your bake sale. These cowboy cookies have it all oats, chocolate chips, coconut, and pecans. I went a little crazy when I made a batch and even threw in some Heath bits. MIND-BLOWING. You can make these into monster sized cookies and sell individually or make smaller ones and sell them by the dozen. The choice is yours. Either way be sure to save some for yourself to eat!

Joyously Domestic

Rice Krispies Pops

Rice Krispie treats are always a winner among the crowds. To spice up your bake sale try branching out and turning your Rice Krispie treat into a pop. Make your regular batch of Rice Krispies and cut them into your desired shape. Use a sucker stick in the end of the treat and then dip the top in candy melts. Add some fun sprinkles for the occasion and you have yourself a mind-blowing bake sale item.

Passports and Parenting

Homemade Hostess Cupcakes

Most of us would happily buy a box of Hostess Cupcakes at the grocery store. So why not make them homemade and use them at the bake sale. Cupcakes are always a good idea. They are individually wrapped and transport easily. Knowing that the marshmallow cream awaits in the middle these cupcakes are definitely mind-blowing.

Brown Eyed Baker

Cake Mix Cookies

Short on time. Never fear, cake mix cookies are here. These delicious treats have saved me in a pinch. They are quick to whip up and bake and you can be on your way in no time. You can use any flavor cake mix (lemon is my son’s favorite) and use any mix-ins you’d like (I go for the German chocolate cake with Andes mints pieces). This bake sale item will be mind-blowing for it’s quick baking time and versatility.


BYU Mint Brownies

If you aren’t from Utah you may not be aware of the deliciousness that is a BYU mint brownie. You have your yummy bottom brownie layer. Then a frosting like mint layer. Finally a chocolate frosting to top it off. You can not go wrong adding a BYU mint brownie to your bake sale offerings.

BYU Mint Brownies


There is something about these chocolate chip bars that is so yummy. Good enough that my son has contemplated having them in lieu of his birthday cake. You could portion these as big or small as you like for the bake sale. It’s a mind-blowing fun way to eat a chocolate chip cookie.

Sugar Spun Run

When your next bake sale opportunity arises have no fear. You are sure to sell out with these mind-blowing bake sale items. Just be sure to bake a few for yourself too!

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