Mother’s Day Gifts: Paper Flowers and FREE Printable Tag

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Tissue Paper Flower - Mother's Day Gift

By now, everyone knows how to make a tissue paper pom pom (thank you Martha Stewart), we just adapted the idea into a beautiful flower for Mother’s Day! Lucy is going to give these to her Grandma’s. I thought these would be really fun, affordable and doable for children in a Sunday school class, school class or your children could make them for their teachers, aunts or grandmas. They sell really great packets of multi-color tissue paper at the Dollar Tree and you can make several flowers from one packet.

Here’s a quick tutorial on the modifications we did to make this tissue paper flower:

I used 3 sheets (but you could get away with 2) of yellow 8″ wide tissue paper and 2 sheets of 6″ wide pink tissue paper. I fringe cut the ends of the pink.


Then, as you would with any pom pom, I accordion folded it, rounded off the ends of the yellow tissue paper and tied a string around the center.


Then instead of pulling the layers away from the center to create a round pom pom, I just pulled them all to the same side so there is a flat back.


I rolled a bamboo skewer in some green tissue paper and cut out some leafs from the extra to glue onto the stem. Then I used hot glue to secure the skewer to the flower.



Lastly, I took a yellow paper cup and use the pointed end of the bamboo skewer to pierce through the bottom of it to create the “flower pot” and I added the adorable tag with a length of embroidery floss. The saying, “flowers remind me of you” are words from the popular childrens primary song, “I Often Go Walking”.

Mother's Day Flowers Gift Tag

The pdf below was designed just for you as a gift from Amy at Shirley K Designs. She is so talented and is also available to do custom orders! Check out her etsy shop and like her on facebook! FREE PRINTABLE FLOWERS PDFmothersdaytag

Day 1 Paper Goods


  1. Pingback: Inexpensive Centerpieces | events to CELEBRATE!
  2. OMG this is adorable! I love it 😉 Thanks again for linking up to Give Me The Goods Monday!
    Jamie @

  3. These are so pretty. I love paper flowers. Thanks so much for linking this up to the Pinworthy Projects Party!

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