National Grandparents Day – September 8th

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This Sunday, September 8th is National Grandparents Day! I was blessed with incredible grandparents and my daughter Lucy is blessed with amazing grandparents so we are going to celebrate them and let them know how much we love them! Today I’m sharing with you a fun idea that my sister Beth does for her kids grandparents each year. Instead of another gift (because really, who needs one?), she invites each set of parents over for special at home restaurant run by her kids. The kids set the table with special china, help prepare the food and then dress in nice clothes to be the hostess, waitstaff and kitchen crew. It is completely adorable and gives the grandparents what they really want – time with the little ones!

Here is the staff all ready to open Le Restaurant Fancee: (I can’t get over how CUTE they are!!)

Grandparents Day  - Home Restaurant

The cute drink menu:


The honored guests being seated and served a fine dining experience!

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The delectable dishes that the kids helped prepare: 

Appetizers Course: Pot Stickers with two dipping sauces


Salad Course: Chicken wonton salad with mandarin orange segments


Soup Course: Carrot and ginger soup with a fried wonton for dipping


Main Course: Stir fry chicken and vegetable medley with rice


Dessert Course: Brownies with ice cream and chocolate syrup & Bananas Foster with ice cream and candied pecans


Le Restaurant Fancee has the best employees around and I hear they even give you a big hug when you leave!


  1. Pingback: Gift Ideas for Grandparent’s Day | Mrs. Fields Secrets
  2. This is such a sweet idea! I definitely want to do something for our Grandparents this Sunday! Thanks for the reminder and the fun ideas!

  3. The problem we’ve found when we go there, is the waitstaff often sips OUR drinks as they are bringing them to our table! For some reason, at this restaurant, it’s not disgusting, but endearing.

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