Easy White Elephant Gift Ideas


There are already a lot of White Elephant gift ideas on Pinterest, but I felt like a lot of them cost a lot of money. If I know something is most likely going in the trash after the party, I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it. So I rummaged around my house and came up with, what I think are Easy White Elephant gift ideas for my family party this weekend. 

Easy White Elephant Gift Ideas

My husband works in the nursery at our church on Sunday’s and it can kind of be a germ pool and a place of lots of tears (sometimes his, sometimes the kids – I kid, I kid). So I thought it would be fun to put together a Nursery Workers Survival kit for those working with the kids at church. 

White Elephant gift ideas - Events To Celebrate

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You’ve got your essentials – hand sanitizer, a kids medical mask (for those that get dropped off with a terrible cough), snacks and a game (5 little ducks). 

Then, for those who are looking for a bit of romance, I did a redneck Recipe For Romance Kit

White Elephant gift idea - eventstocelebrate.net

It includes a Boys 2 Men cassette tape, tea candles and a can of beans (for the bubble bath) all packaged in a Victoria’s Secret bag. 

Last year my niece, Alix was the lucky recipient of my “Diarrhea of Anne Frank”. It was a mixture of flour, cocoa powder, water, pureed spinach and nuts in a mason jar. Yuck!

White Elephant Gift Idea - eventstocelebrate.net

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