Halloween Door Decoration – Plaster Fingers
Halloween is my favorite holiday and it is almost here! Each year I try to come up with a Halloween door decoration. Last year I made Frankenstein and the year before that I tried out Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas. I’ll be revealing the full door decoration in a couple of weeks, but today I’m sharing the Halloween doorbell decoration I made this week.
I hate when people ring my doorbell because it wakes up my baby, and thought I’d make this creepy set of plaster cast fingers to deter any doorbell ringers this year. Let me show you how I did it.
I bought this Baby Plaster Casting Kit from Hobby Lobby (I used my 40% off coupon) and followed the instructions. It says you can just use the enclosed plastic bags, but I tried that and learned that you need the sturdy sides of a plastic cup. I mixed the molding powder and then pushed my fingers into the cup. I had to hold it for about a minute until I could wiggle my fingers out.
After mixing the plaster, I spooned a small amount into each finger mold and then tapped the cup firmly on the counter to get the air bubbles out. Then, I inserted some twigs from my yard into the top of each finger to resemble the bones.
After drying for 3 hours, I peeled away the mold and let the fingers dry overnight on my windowsill. It was super creepy to come to my kitchen sink and see my fingers laying there each time I needed to use my sink.
I used craft paint to paint different layers. I started with a nude/skin color and then accented with pale green, a darker tan, bright red and a really brown red. Once I got them the way I wanted I tied them together with a length of jute twine.
I created some FREE PRINTABLE signs that you can use and hung them out on my front step. I couldn’t decide which phrase I liked best, so I made both! Which is your favorite?
Print your free signs here: Halloween Finger Decoration – Events To Celebrate