Harry Potter Door Decorations – Teacher Appreciation


This year we decided to do Harry Potter themed Teacher Appreciation Week! Here are 36 Harry Potter door decorations!

Each year as part of our Teacher and Staff Appreciation activities, we have parent volunteers decorate all of the doors at the elementary school. For the teachers, it is the room parent that decorates their door and for all other staff we use Signup Genius to have parents volunteer to decorate the door. The creativity is always in abundant supply and I walk the halls just so giddy with excitement for the teachers and staff to see them. We set them up the Friday after school just before Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. This year we had a Harry Potter theme for the week and invited the volunteers to use the theme in their door decorations if they wanted to. As you will see, the results are magical!

Harry Potter Door Decorations

Here are all of the Harry Potter door decorations we used to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week this year!

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  1. How Sweet it is to be Taught by You – with Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans
  2. Books are Magical
  3. [Teacher] is wand-erful and makes learning magical!
  4. [Teacher’s] great wizard readers
  5. We Solemnly Swear That We Are Up To No Good. Thanks For Managing Our Mischief!
  6. We OWL love [Teacher]
  1. Honeydukes: [Teacher] is as sweet as candy!
  2. We Solemnly Swear that [Teacher] is Awesome!
  3. Having [Teacher] is better than getting a letter to Hogwarts!
  4. Thank you for planting our Mandrakes!
  5. Whoo is the best? [Teacher] 
  6. We love our headmaster!
  1. Slytherin
  2. Here lives a Hufflepuff! Hardworking, kind, patient and true. [Teacher] we are loyal to you!
  3. Hufflepuff Dorm Room
  4. Platform 9 ¾
  5. [Teacher] makes learning magical!
  6. Hufflepuff: friendship, kindness, loyalty, honesty
  1. Ah, Music a Magic Beyond Anything we do Here.
  2. You Make Learning Magical
  3. I Solemnly Swear That We Are Learning Here
  4. Don’t Let The Muggles Get You Down!
  5. Bubble, bubble, divide and double. [Teacher] is our favorite muggle!
  6. Herbology. [Teacher] you are sup-HERB!

One room parent took photos of each of the children in the class wearing a Harry Potter robe and scarf. Some pressed their faces up to the “glass” while others looked onward. Using butcher paper created a Hogwarts Express train! Can you believe how cute it is?!

We were delighted that so many decorated along with our theme and equally impressed with those that chose their own theme!

  1. [Teacher] is the Berry Best!
  2. You Lift Us Up!
  3. Thank you speech teachers for helping us taco ‘bout it!
  4. You’re our super star!
  5. Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart
  6. Here’s the scoop, [Teacher] is the cream of the crop!
  1. Amazing things happen here
  2. We Toadally Love You
  3. You Make School Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
  4. Outside of a dog, a book is a kids best friend!
  5. Thank You So Much!
  6. You are Strong

Hopefully this list of Harry Potter door decorations was helpful for you! If you come up with more Harry Potter themed door ideas, share them below.

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