Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe & Free Printable Gift Tag

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Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe and Free Printable Gift Tag - events to CELEBRATE!

There is nothing like the scent of Christmas. It can be September, but if you smell “Christmas” you are transported right to it. I love the yummy candles at the store, but nothing tops the real scent of a fresh Christmas tree, cinnamon, cloves, oranges, apples and cranberries. I created this Homemade Christmas Potpourri recipe a couple of years ago for my family and friends and loved it so much that I made about 10 packets of it for myself as well. I decided to do it again this year, and may make it my traditional gift for neighbors each year because I love it so much.

It’s simple to put together, has a long shelf life and is inexpensive! Win, win, win!

This is the Food Dehydrator I use. It’s inexpensive, holds a large quantity of food and works like a champ! It takes about 12 – 16 hours to dry each type of fruit when each tray is fully loaded, so plan ahead to give yourself enough time for the number of gifts you’ll be making.

Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe and Free Printable Gift Tag - events to CELEBRATE!

Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe:

3 slices of dried Orange
3 slices of dried Apple
1 slice of dried lemon
1 Cinnamon stick
5-10 whole Cloves (or 1/2 tsp of ground Clove)
1/4 c. Dried Cranberries (or Craisins)

– Buy your Cinnamon sticks in bulk – like these Cinnamon Sticks from Amazon. They are MUCH cheaper than purchasing them at your local grocery store in a small jar.

– Look for whole or ground cloves in the Mexican food aisle at your grocery store – mine were about 1/2 the price of those in the spice aisle.

– Print out my FREE GIFT TAGS to attach to your gifts. I package mine in small cellophane bags and tie with ribbon. 

Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe and Free Printable Gift Tag - events to CELEBRATE!


Christmas Potpourri Gift Tag

Homemade Christmas Potpourri Recipe and Free Printable Gift Tag - events to CELEBRATE!

I’m participating in A Crafty Christmas hosted by Emily at Nap-Time Creations. For loads of fun and crafty ideas for gifts, decor, recipes and more – go here! 

Rules for use:
– My free printables are for personal use only.
– They may not be modified, sold or used for profit in any way.
– If you feature them or repost them, please give Events to Celebrate proper credit with a link back to this post.

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  1. Pingback: Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas | Simplistically Sassy
    1. Carissa-
      My dehydrator doesn’t have a temperature setting – it is just plug in and it turns on. Sorry I can’t help there. I didn’t even know they could have a temperature setting! 🙂 I guess that’s why mine was only like $30. Good luck!

    1. Jesseca- Thanks, it really does smell heavenly and so much more natural than the candles (not that they don’t smell great too!). I’ve seen some that hand out a fresh orange, but this has a lot longer shelf life being dried so you can make it ahead.

  2. this is such a fun and yummy idea! thanks so much for sharing and being part of my Crafty Christmas series! I’ve promoted the post on all my social media… hope you will be doing the same! Emily

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