Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids

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Halloween Crafts and Games for kids

Each year I host a family Halloween party. Rather than taking on the entire party on my own, I have each sibling/family bring one activity or craft for the kids to do. I take care of the food and decorations and then only have to come up with one activity – knowing that there will be LOTS coming to entertain the kids. This has worked really well! I shared a few of the fun things we’ve done at past parties in this post, and wanted to share those we did at our party last year!

Halloween Crafts and Games for Kids

Halloween Party Activity for Kids - Decorate Cupcakes

Decorating Halloween Cupcakes:

After lunch we let each of the kids pick a cupcake to frost and decorate with lots of candy. We included sprinkles, candy corn, gummy candy and more! 

Halloween Party Activity - Tie Dye Shirts - Events To Celebrate

Halloween T-shirt Tie Dye:

Each child brought a plain white t-shirt and we had them tie dye their shirts. We did it outside and everyone wore aprons and gloves to keep things tidy and they loved it. We used a Tie-Dye Kit and it came with all the supplies we needed. After the dye was added, we stuck them in a zip top plastic bag for each kid to take home so they could finish drying. Then, once they were washed, they were ready to wear!

Halloween Treasure Hunt - Events To Celebrate

Halloween Treasure Hunt:

We sent the kids all around the yard on a spooky treasure hunt. There were enough clues for each child to have a turn finding one and at the end they got cute tin buckets (found in the dollar bin at Target) filled with fun Halloween favors: stickers, pencils, spider rings, a straw, glow in the dark skeletons, etc.

Halloween Treasure Hunt - Events To Celebrate 1 Halloween Party Activitiy - Cupcake Walk - Events To Celebrate

Halloween Cupcake Walk:

We actually gave them donuts, but the idea is the same. We had frightful music playing as the kids circled the numbers and when the music stopped a number was pulled from a bag. The child standing next to that number got to come pick a donut. 

Halloween Party Activities - Donuts on a String - Events To Celebrate

Doughnuts on a String:

This was my favorite activity to watch, the little kids were hilarious. We suspended glazed donuts from strings and they had a contest to see who could eat their doughnut off the string the fastest. They didn’t have to eat the entire thing, just get it to fall off the string. It was so much fun to watch!

Halloween Party Activity - Bobbing for Apples - Events To Celebrate


Bobbing for Apples:

I was really surprised how much the kids loved this. They each took several turns! Luckily, since we are all family, we didn’t care about the water getting each others spit in it. 🙂 But they did so well, pulling those little apple stems out of the water – plus, they were apples picked fresh from the orchard so they were totally delicious!

Whether you are planning a family, neighborhood, preschool or church group Halloween party, these activities will entertain the kids for sure! 

See this post about all the fun food and DIY Decorations we had at the party!

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  1. Pingback: Easy Halloween Party Decorations | events to CELEBRATE!

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