New Years Eve Activities for Kids

We host a party with my husbands family each year on New Years Eve. While the adults are happy to sit and watch a movie and eat good food, the kids need a bit more to keep them entertained. Here are some fun things we’ve done to keep the party hoppin all night!

New Years Eve Activities for Kids - events to CELEBRATE!

New Years Eve Activities for Kids

Party Hats-

Party Hats
Gather your crafting and scrapbooking supplies and let the kids make their own party hat! You can provide a solid color cone hat (like these Plain Red Party Hats ) that they decorate with pom poms, glitter glue, pipe cleaners or fun paper OR make them fashion their own hat from paper and go from there. Providing a few photos for ideas may help them get their start.

Balloon Animals – 

Make party hats, swords, butterflies – you name it! There are so many great tutorials on YouTube or online. The kids will have a great time learning to create their own balloon animals!

Board games –

Monopoly Thimble
A board game on New Year’s Eve is the perfect way to fill in a block of time with FUN! We love interactive ones like Charades or Pictionary, but a good board game once things have settled down a bit (or while the adults are watching a movie) is perfect! Our favorites are Apples to Apples, Clue, and Headbanz. Need to refresh your supply? Here are the best sellers on Amazon:Board Games: Best Sellers

Restaurant – 

Grand Parents Day  - Home Restaurant

Playing restaurant is the ultimate in role playing fun. Tie an apron around their waist, throw a tea towel over their arm and let the pass the appetizers and take drink “orders” (non-alcoholic of course). They’ll have a great time mingling around the party making sure their appetizers or drinks are enjoyed. Do you have a little chef in the making? Let them help prior to the party with the food prep and create their own dish to share with guests! Plus, they make great help with dinner clean up!

Resolutions –

Hang a large poster somewhere in the party space and let guests write down their New Years Resolutions on it throughout the party.

Time Capsule Letters –

Provide note paper and pens for each guest and ask each person to write a short note including the highlights from the past year. Put all of the notes in a “time capsule” to be opened in 5 years at another New Years Eve party!

Ring in the New Year (with a different time zone)

Ready for the little ones to head to bed? Ring in the New Year with a different time zone! If you’re in the Mountain Time Zone (like me), we celebrate at 10:00 pm with those on the East coast. We do the countdown and have Noise Makers and Plastic Champagne Flutes for everyone at the ready (filled with Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider). We cheer, dance and toast glasses. Then while the kids crowd into the kitchen to watch from the sliding glass doors (because it’s freezing) we light off a few fireworks on our back patio (I actually buy them when they are on sale for the 4th of July and save them for New Years Eve). When everyone at the party is participating, they don’t feel like they are missing out on any of the fun by heading to bed.

More F-U-N! –

Looking for more fun ideas? ANY and ALL of the fun activities we do at my annual sleepover would also be perfect for kids on New Years Eve! Print the list of Truth or Dare, or the fun Dance Moves and see the awesome and easy Minute to Win It! games we’ve done to make this New Years Eve the funnest party of the year!


  1. It’s hard to believe New Year’s is just around the corner! Time flies when you’re having fun 🙂

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