Easy Halloween Door

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If you follow me on Instagram (please do!) you’ve seen me tease about my Halloween front door this year. I took my inspiration from these Elmers Glue Spider Webs I used to decorate my Halloween party a couple of years ago. 

Easy Halloween Door Decoration - Events To Celebrate

Easy Halloween Door Spider Web

White Plastic Table Cover
Mod Podge
1/2″ Paint Brush
Black Glitter
Cardstock Spiders

As always I started with an inexpensive plastic table cover from Walmart. From there I measured my door and cut the table cover about 2 inches larger than my door so I could tape it on the sides. 

After laying it on my kitchen island I used a 1/2″ paintbrush to paint the spider web with the Mod Podge. I worked in sections so it wouldn’t dry before I could get the glitter on.

Easy Halloween Door Decoration - Events To Celebrate

First I painted the horizontal webs and poured glitter on them. I let them dry about 5 minutes before shaking off the excess and painting the vertical stripes and adding more glitter. Once it was fully glittered and had dried about 15 minutes I took about 2 TBSP of Modge Podge and watered it down with about 1/4 cup of water and sopped that over the top of the glitter with a foam brush to make sure that the glitter wouldn’t just fall off each time the door is opened and closed. 

I love it!

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