Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party!

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My kids LOVE Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and this party would be perfect for them. My dear friend, Rochelle really wowed me with her creativity and incorporation of the theme from start to finish! I’m so grateful she is letting me share all of the fun with you! This Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party is such a perfect adaptation of the fun parts of the show into a child’s birthday party!

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse cake

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Party Activities:

As guests arrived they were given a pair of Minnie Mouse ears and played Ring Around the Rosie.


True to the show, they had a problem to solve and needed TOODLES each time to help them! The children would call for Toodles and out he came with a tool to help them with each activity.


For the first activity Toodles brought them each a pair of binoculars (made from pink rolled craft foam sheets tied with a ribbon) and they had to search around the room for shapes that were taped to the walls. They would be show a certain shape and then have to look through their binoculars to match it to one on the wall. So cute. I just love all the littles looking through binoculars!

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For the second activity they did the “Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog” dance and Toodles brought them a music CD with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music on it! They danced and danced and danced! It’s a pretty catchy tune. 🙂


Next they needed Toodles to bring them some bean bags for a fun Mickey Mouse bean bag toss!


Lastly, Toodles brought them some plates and napkins so they could have birthday cake! Now, seriously, aren’t these cakes adorable! She made them herself. Oh, how I wish she lived closer to me so I could hire her when I need a cake, she is so talented!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party

Don’t you just love those cute little lips ready to blow out the candle? What a darling little birthday girl! And, what cute ideas for taking the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and turning it into such a fun party!


  1. Such an adorable party!! My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
    The cakes are amazing and the Minnie Mouse ears and dress are so fun! Pinned! 🙂

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