Angry Birds Birthday Party

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This incredibly fun Angry Birds Birthday Party is being shared with you by Marci Coombs. She and her friend threw this joint party for their two sons who have the exact same birthday – how fun!

I think one reason this particular party theme is such a hit, isn’t just about the popularity of the game, but about how many ways you can turn that into a really fun party. From the activities to the food and favors – there is SO much you can do with it!

Angry Birds Birthday Party Activities:

A home made Angry Birds catapult is a must. They used boxes, plywood and lots of bright green bouncy balls (with the faces painted onto them) to create this one.








The guests then played Egg Toss. You pair off and stand close together tossing a raw egg (she colored them and drew angry bird faces on them) from one person to the other. As you each catch the egg successfully, you take a step away from each other and continue until the egg cracks open or someone drops the egg. The couple to get the furthest apart without losing their egg wins!angry11 (1)

They also threw darts at a giant balloon board. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to inflate all of those balloons?! Party time!

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Angry Birds Birthday Cake:

I love the structure made from wafer cookies, kit kat candy bars and green gumballs with piggy faces drawn on with an edible marker. It took this generic cake from Costco to a perfectly themed confection! angry10

Angry Birds Birthday Party Favors:

The party favors are super fun. They turned pain red paper bags into a themed piece by adding these free printable faces to them. Then they filled them with lots of silly goodies!





There are so many creative details and it would be a really great party for the kids – not just themed, but fun at the same time!
PS – Check out these adorable wreaths Marci makes – you can order your own custom wreath for any season/holiday!


Do you have a party you would like featured on Events To Celebrate? Send your photos, or a link to them if they’ve already been posted somewhere, to [email protected]


  1. Oh my word. This is so creative. We did an Angry Birds party for my little girl last year. I love all the different idea!

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