DIY Monster Tree Eyes

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With just a few dollars and a few supplies, I turned a “Cousin It” looking bush/tree in my front yard into a Halloween MONSTER! Let me explain how you can DIY your own Monster Tree Eyes to spookifiy (or add hilarity) to your yard for Halloween!

DIY Monster Tree Eyes - Events To Celebrate

DIY Monster Tree Eyes Supplies:
2 Foam Bouncy Balls (I got mine at Dollar Tree)
White Craft Paint
Green Glitter Craft Paint
Glow in The Dark Mod Podge
Foam Brush
BBQ Skewer (Metal or Bamboo)

DIY Monster Tree Eyes - Events To Celebrate

Step 1:
Paint the front half of each ball with the white craft paint and allow to dry. After 15 minutes, add another coat and allow to dry completely.

Step 2:
Paint Cat Eye shapes on each ball with the green craft paint and allow to dry 15 minutes before adding the second coat.

Step 3:
Add a layer of the Glow in the Dark Mod Podge to cover the painted areas. Allow to dry 30 minutes in between each coat. I added 4 coats. 

Step 4:
Push a skewer through the center of each ball and then place in the branches of a bush or tree and cover the skewer with leaves so they are hidden. 

Step 5:
Light a black light on Halloween to really get them to glow!

DIY Monster Tree Eyes - Events To Celebrate

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