Halloween Door & Window Decorations

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I love driving around in October to see all the fun Halloween door and window decorations. People are so creative and festive! My sister inspired me to try something new with her Mike Wazowski door and then I visited a friends house and she had an amazing window display as did her neighbor across the street! I knew I had to get in on the fun! So, here they are. Be inspired and decorate your own Halloween door and/or window this year!

Halloween Door Decorations:

Here is my attempt at a Nightmare Before Christmas style door. I tried to make it look like a skeleton, but my daughter is convinced it is a spooky ghost. I’ll go with either. 🙂

I took a white plastic table cover and cut it to the size of my door. I traced the shapes on a black plastic table cover using a bucket lid for the eyes, a large plastic cup (that I squished in the middle) for the nostrils and a hula hoop (from this party) to trace the smile. Then I used some 3M Spray Adhesive to put the cut out pieces onto the white table cover and taped it to my front door. It took me about 1 hour and cost me only $3.00! I love it!

Halloween Door Decoration

Isn’t this Mike Wazowski door decoration incredible?! About a month ago my sister painted her front door this pea green (brave, right?) and it turns out it is PERFECT for Halloween! She just drew the shapes, colored them with markers on poster paper and then cut and laminated them so they would withstand the weather. You could use these giant wiggle eyes to create a similar effect on your door. 

Halloween Door Decoration - Mike Wazowski
Halloween Mike Wazowski Door Decoration

Halloween Window Decorations:

As I said, I went to visit a friend and this is her neighbors house. I saw it and ran across the street to snap the picture. The neighbor just drew the monsters free hand on black butcher paper and cut them out. She put colorful tissue paper behind the eyes so that when the lights are on at night they shine that color. So cute!!

Halloween Monsters Window Decoration

This is my friends front window. She taped together pieces of black cardstock and then drew the witches, cauldron, cats and bats (I know, can you believe people that can just draw what they want?! If I tried that it would come out looking like a shoe, not a witch). She added a string of orange lights for the cats eyes (they poke through the cardstock) for extra spookiness, and a green light they got at a prop house for the cauldron. I couldn’t stop staring at it all afternoon. The creativity kills me! If you’re not up for drawing your own – here are some fun Halloween window silhouette shapes you can just buy. 

Halloween Witches & Cats Window Decoration

Want to recreate this one? Here are links to some supplies you’ll need:

Halloween Orange String Lights
Witch’s Brew Silhouette
Halloween Silhouettes 10pk
Scary Silhouette Witch
Spooky Witch & Haunted House Window Silhouette Decoration

Check out the Halloween door we did this year (2014)!


  1. Pingback: Halloween Door Decorations : Rhiannon's Interiors
  2. Pingback: 전세계의 최신 영어뉴스 듣기 - 보이스뉴스 잉글리쉬
  3. Pingback: Ten Fun Halloween Front Doors - Kids Activities Blog
  4. Pingback: Halloween Door Decoration - events to CELEBRATE!
    1. Thank you so much! I love the witches too. The whole time I was at her house I kept staring at them instead of listening to her! 🙂 Ooops!

  5. I love the green monster door and the monsters in the windows! So cool and scary!!!!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

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