7 Fun Ways To Document Baby’s First Year
Nothing goes by faster than the first 12 months with your new little one. To make the memories last check out these fun ways to photograph and document baby’s first year.
1. Baby with a Onesie Stickers
Document how your little one grows by taking their picture each month in a onesie with the corresponding sticker on the front of the onesie. Even better, take their picture in the same setting so you can get a real feel for how they have grown. Grab these free printable stickers at i heart arts n crafts.
2. Baby’s Picture Next To A Stuffed Animal
You can go big or small when adding a stuffed animal to your monthly picture of your little one. The stuffed animal adds perspective and is a fun way to watch baby grow over the months. Just be sure to use the same stuffed animal in every picture.
3. Create a Baby Infographic
They have these super cute baby infographics that you can purchase on Etsy or you could come up with one of your own. Make one as a summary of the whole year or try doing one for each month. It’s a fun way to document memories and a nice keepsake to have for reminiscing in the future.
4. Make a Baby Clothing Quilt
My mother-in-law made one of these for my husband a few years ago. It was a quilt made with a bunch of his old t-shirts. You can use the same idea and make a quilt for your little one. Take some of those favorite onesies, footed pajamas, or shirts and use them to make a quilt. It will become a favorite keepsake and something that will bring fond memories. Check out Irene Sarah for detailed directions.
5. Baby’s First Christmas Ornament
I love pulling out all the Christmas ornaments and remembering all the memories that come with certain ones. Therefore, you must document baby’s first year with a Christmas ornament. Whether it’s handmade or store bought as long as it will bring a smile to your face remembering when your little one was even littler it will be perfect.
6. Baby Holiday Milestone Blanket
I’m loving this idea. It’s a blanket with holidays written on it. You take your little ones picture on it and use and arrow or some indicator to say which holiday and of course add a few festive decorations. It’s a super fun and easy way to document your baby’s first holidays.
7. 50 Photos Of Baby’s First Year
You can never have enough photos of your baby. So why not try taking 50 milestone photos during the first year. Seems a little overwhelming. Check out this list from Simple As That. It gives you 50 photo ops to have with your little one and you can even check them off when you are done (I love checking things off a list). You could later use the list and pictures to make a very comprehensive first year baby book. Now that is some serious documenting!
All this baby talk almost makes me want to have another one. Almost. Things have changed since my kids were babies and now there are so many fun ways to document baby’s first year. So whether it’s your own baby, a friends, or family members start documenting today!

And…throw baby an amazing 1st birthday party with one of these unique ideas:
- 1st Birthday Barnyard Party
- Baseball Birthday Party Idea
- First Birthday Garden Party Ideas
- Uno First Birthday Party
- Hole in One–Golf Themed First Birthday