Halloween Door Decoration Monster

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This weekend we unveiled our 2018 Halloween Door Decoration! Re-purposing the Trunk-or-Treat decorations from last year we created this Halloween Door Decoration MONSTER! Her name is Helga (thank you to all of you for making suggestions on social media!). Ocotober is my favorite month, and Halloween is my favorite holiday! Don’t worry, I’ll link you to the supplies if you plan to recreate this for your own door. These links are affiliate links. 

Halloween Door Decoration Monster - eventstocelebrate.net

The Halloween door came together as simple as can be. Check out my super easy Halloween Doors from years past: Monster/AlienFrankenstein, Skeleton, Witch, Spider

Here are the supplies you will need. 

Giant Wiggle Eyes
Feather Boa
White Poster Board 
Painters Tape
Paper Party Fans
Foam Board
Blue Marker or Craft Paint

Halloween Door Decoration MONSTER

Step 1:

Cut horns out of the foam board and add stripes. Attach to the door with painters tape (other tape will either leave a residue or take paint off of the door.)

Step 2:

Using a hot glue gun, adhere the wiggle eyes to the paper fans and add a tuft of feather boas to the top of each eye. Add these to the door.

Step 3: 

Cut silly teeth from the white poster board and adhere them to the door.

Step 4: 

Use the remaining feather boa to create the mouth of the monster. Attach using painters tape. 

Halloween Door Decoration Monster - eventstocelebrate.net

If you look closely at the photos you can see the blue painters tape. I was bugged by this at first but just decided that she looks great anyway and I’m not going to worry about it. Happy Halloween! 

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